Ants – Pest Control Service

Canforce Pest Control Service for ants offers professional, convenient solutions to get rid of your ant problems fast.

Fast response with appointment times convenient for you

Fendly and knowledgeable local technicians, ensuring the highest level of safety for your family and pets.

Call us today to arrange for a Canforce Pest Control technician to visit and get rid of your ant problem quickly and efficiently.

Protecting your Home and Family from Ants

Although ants are an irritant when they come into the home the most common species, the Garden Ant, is not thought to carry disease. However, as it is impossible to know where the ants were last foraging for food, it is sensible to take steps to prevent them entering your home and food cupboards.

How To Get Rid of Ants

Although ants are an irritant when they come in to the home the most common species, the Pavement Ant, is not thought to carry disease. However, as it is impossible to know where the ants were last foraging for food, it is sensible to take steps to prevent them entering your home and food cupboards.

Ants in Your Home

There are thousands of different species but the most common ants in British Columbia are:

Carpenter Ants
worker ants 6.35 mm long and the Queen can be as large as 12.7 mm in length. Swarmers are not produced until the colony is over two years old and are released in the Spring. Carpenter ant colonies can live from 3 to 7 years with colonies ranging in size from 3,000 workers, to 25,000 ants in mature colonies. Carpenter ants establish their first nest in decayed wood and can later move into sound wood. They feed primarily on insect honeydew, insects, plant and food juices. Indoors Carpenter ants will feed on grease, sweets and meats.


Pharoah Ants – worker ants are 1.5 -2mm long and the Queen is 4 – 6mm long. Both workers and the Queen are a yellow-brown color. Pharoah Ants originate from the tropics and require artificial heat in order to survive and reproduce and tend to live in large heated buildings such as hospitals, hotels and blocks of flats. This ant’s diet is largely of decomposing foodstuffs and it carries harmful germs picked up from when it has been feeding.

Pavement Ants – worker ants are up to 3.175 mm in length and are black or dark brown in colour. Pavement ants can emerge throughout the year in heated structures, but are mostly visible Spring through Summer. Pavement ants nest in lawns, under stones or debris. Pavement ants also eat almost anything they find ranging from pet food to just about any type of human foods.

How to Prevent Ants

Worried about ants in the kitchen? The majority of Pavement or Carpenter Ants will only come in to your home to forage for food and are attracted by sweet and sticky substances.

Follow these steps to prevent ant problems:

  • Ensure there is no readily available food
  • Always cover food – we do not know where the ant has been before it crawls across your food!
  • Clear away food and liquid spills immediately
  • Clean food debris from under kitchen appliances
  • Make sure all garbage bins have tightly sealed lids. Keep compost enclosed and covered
  • Clear away your Pet’s food immediately it has finished eating.
  • Seal access points such as cracks and crevices in door and window frames

Get Rid of Ants Professionally

We recommend that you seek professional ant pest control services for more serious and larger infestations.

Canforce Pest Control staff of ant experts are experienced and skilled in all forms of ant treatment. Using effective insecticides our service technicians will quickly get rid of ant problems in your home.

Our service offers you:

  • Full range of products available to get rid of ants effectively.
  • Home call-out service for getting rid of ants and other pest problems in the home.
  • Fast & effective service offering the highest level of safety for your family and pets.

Canforce Pest Control technicians understand the habits of each ant species and use a range of powerful insecticides to deal with ants effectively.

Call Canforce Pest Control today, for further ant advice or to arrange a visit by a Canforce technician.

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